About us

Who we are?

You probably already know what doctors have known for years that having health care coverage and access to medical care increases your chance of feeling and being healthy. But sometimes access isn’t all that easy. First it’s the time spent trying to make an appointment in a timely manner, then the waiting room time because the doctor is behind but in your case you’re seeing the PA, again. You’re not alone this is everyone’s dilemma these days partly because of the shortage of family doctors and the unattended medical issues many patients have taking up more time than the traditional 20 min. visit most doctors offer. Why not eliminate all this frustration by having a concierge family doctor. How can this be true?

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Among the services offered by Dr. Jay Ferns

Limited Patient Enrollment

We limit our patient enrollment to give you more personal attention.

Enhanced Access

Enhanced access to Dr. Ferns via mobile phone, texting, and email.

Office Visits

Office visits that start on time and last as long as needed.

Same Day

Same day appointment availability so you can see your doctor as soon as possible.

Dr Jay Ferns

Board Certified Family Medicine

Concierge Doctors

Concierge doctors, like me, only have 200-300 patients in their practice and provide superior care and access because we only see 4-6 patients per day.

Office Visits

Unlike other concierge doctors I do not charge co-pays or bill your insurance for office visits, this is all covered in annual fees.


Enrollment is simple, just call me on my cell phone and make an appointment.